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How funny...or sad. whichever

PostPosted: Thu Sep 06, 2007 17:30:15
by Mair
So, I hate my job, and I'm not much into people either. I'm usually cold when customer service transfers a customer to repair. "Hi Mari. How are you?" What do you care? Don't ask me that.
So, I just transfered a customer to customer service and got a man who was SO cold to me. So, I went to note the customer's account and started to write that this rep was very rude to me. But then I stopped...thought, and then realized that this man did EXACTLY what I would've done. After I explained the problem (only difference is I said it quickly and in as few words as possible...customer care usually has NO clue what they're talking about and uses every word in the dictionary to tell me a problem that really isn't the real problem), he said "What's the number?" then sat for a few seconds after I gave it to him and said "Send him over". Now, this would seem fine except he had a HORRIBLE HORRIBLE tone in his voice. This is EXACTLY what I say to people and am usually pretty cold (again...not really a people person). I even had some old fart of a customer ask me if I was feeling ok because apparently the tone in my voice gave him the impression that I didn't appreciate his interupting every word I tried to say to him.

Re: How funny...or sad. whichever

PostPosted: Thu Sep 13, 2007 17:21:44
by sewcute
at least you realized it. So many people don't realize what they are doing (myself being one of them)

Re: How funny...or sad. whichever

PostPosted: Thu Sep 13, 2007 17:32:08
by Mair
True and people REFUSE to look at themselves and evaluate their behavior.

Re: How funny...or sad. whichever

PostPosted: Thu Sep 13, 2007 17:35:52
by sewcute
exactly! change is a good thing! (sometimes!)